Certifications and Accreditations


Authorization to exercise as retailer travel agency and tour operator, license art. 81 lett. A+B- L.R. 15/07, issued by the Province of Milan

certiquality Quality system certification according to regulation UNI EN ISO 9001:2008 for the following activities:
Code EA 37 Cultural activities of training, research, internship organization, updating, and professional orientation.
Code 31A Travel and accommodation organization, tourist services.
Organisation of linguistic stay abroad.
visitbritain Certificate as Britagent 2013
ardmore Certificate of Representation as authorised Agent for Ardmore Language Schools Ltd
irlanda Certificate as specialized agent 2013

We are accredited as a Training Organisation at the following Joint Professional Funds:

  • FAPI Fondo Formazione PMI
  • FonTEr
  • FormaTemp
  • Fondo Professioni
  • Fondo For.Te
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